An effective way to teach healthy habits and make positive changes

What is the 10 Day FitMarathon?
The 10 Day FitMarathon is an effective way to learn healthy eating habits and a healthier lifestyle and make positive changes in your life.
It is a 10-day program with balanced nutrition and daily workouts that are suitable and manageable for all levels.
You are part of a mini-community of 8 people, together with a team captain who provides daily nutrition and lifestyle tips.
At the end of the 10 days you celebrate the results with all teams.
Nutritional guidance and advice
The team captain will guide you every step of the way and provide nutritional guidance and advice throughout the 10-day program.
You can track your progress daily, with “round” leaders being sent to your team.
This way you can track your progress and make sure you are on track to reach your goals.
Celebrate your results
At the end of the 10-day Fit Marathon, we celebrate your result with all teams.
Every day we recognize the progress of all players and highlight the leader of the day and the round leader.
Celebrate your success and keep making “rounds” until you reach your goal!
Start your journey today
ready to start? Sign up today and start your journey towards your wellness goals. With the 10-day FitMarathon you will learn healthy habits and make positive changes that will last a lifetime. Don’t delay – join us today and take the first step towards becoming the best version of yourself! Subscribe to our Telegram Channel to know when the next FitMarathon starts
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