How you can build big businesses
build big
Probably you already know that I was an interim manager. I started in network marketing because I used the products (and I still do). Friends asked me what I did when they saw my first results.
I helped some friends with getting a good result, when one of them asked if he could do what I was doing. From then on our team became bigger, and my wife saw the picture and joined me.
Now we’re both working from home, still mentoring people to do what we do. Even they got back their freedom, working the hours they want while they can make time for the things they love most.
How we started
When I started my business my only initial desire was to earn an extra 750€ per month, by the time we will retire. We coach people to have a healthy active lifestyle.
We started to sell a lot of products, which gave us up to a great couple of thousand Euros extra. But when we went to meetings we saw that much more was possible. We wrote everything down, and started to implement the things we learned. From then on we did both things. Beside helping customers, we started to build a team.
From that moment on, we started to earn more.
What is prospecting? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as looking for GOLD.
Prospecting is the process of talking to people, in hopes that you will find some who are interested in joining you on your products or in your business.
In the process of these conversations, you’ll “sift through” a lot of people to find a few who will join you. Then, you’ll have a lot of people join you, of whom will work at varying paces—keep in mind, it only takes a few power partners to change your life! That’s your “gold”!
Remember–you may have to talk to a lot to find those few—kind of like sifting for gold. If I told you that you had 4 gold bricks in your backyard, would you continue to dig until you find them? Sure you would!
I’ve probably talked to a couple of thousands of people since I started my business in 2002. I’ve had a lot to join me. Most are working this business at a moderate pace. As of today, I have 6 leaders in our plan at this time, and of those about 2 people who account for a good majority of my income.
What happened to the rest? Some order products, some occasionally promote, and unfortunately some decide the timing isn’t right for them.
As with any profession, there is power in working through your odds to find leaders and pace setters. It takes a lot of “sifting” until you “strike gold!” You never know what people will do–or who they will lead you to.
Is it a “Numbers Game”?!
I’ve found the same stats and percentages to be pretty similar industry wide.—as it relates to how many you must personally talk to, and sponsor before you strike gold.
In a group of people being in the business anywhere between 5-25+ years, anywhere between 50-100+ were sponsored over time. Most of them had 80% of their income coming from anywhere between 1-3 legs, tops!
The major growth of your organization will probably be tied to just 2-3 people too. But you never know what your personal set off odds will be, and how many conversations you’ll have, or how many people will join you before you find them! So get ready to talk it up! The more people you share this with, the better your odds of finding your power partners!
What are your odds?
Here’s the lesson: your success is directly related to the degree to which you are willing to work to find others like yourself who are committed to succeed.
Would you be willing to hear uncounted “No’s” to sign up 100+ people until you “strike gold” and find the leaders like I did? I hope you will.
Of course it would be easier if you knew the odds up front.
But here’s the catch: You have your own set of odds and you won’t know what they are until AFTER YOU’VE SUCCEEDED. So if you haven’t found your “power partners” yet, you can either give up and assume the business doesn’t work for you, but somehow works for others… or recognize that you are working through your own numbers.
Give your business the time it takes to build big! Be relentless. Don’t quit! Go for the GOLD!
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