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Build the perfect team

Part of building a MLM business is creating the perfect team.

You can’t work alone in network marketing, you’ll have to create a team. Honestly, I had to create several teams to reach my current success, and I’m still building.
I couldn’t do what I’m doing today without my team. Building a perfect team is crucial to your success as a MLM entrepreneur. Here’s how you can do it.

Look for people who want to build a future,

and are ready to learn how to do it. It’s possible that your teammates will be better in MLM than you are. And that’s good.
Be ready to learn from your downline, and don’t try to be the best. Together you will be stronger.

Look for talents in your team.

In a team it’s important that the members appreciate what other know better. When you cooperate, and combine know-how, the results will expand fast.

Don’t be a manager.

People go in network marketing for their freedom. I don’t say that you’ve to let your people alone. Teach and coach them.
Be aware of your team members’ goals, and help them to achieve them. They may do things differently, but that’s fine.

Every MLM company is based on a product. Before you let people sign in, they have to be fan of it. They have to use them, and build a result with  it.
If people don’t truly believe in it, and don’t support it, don’t let them subscribe. If the product doesn’t interest them, you can’t teach them to care.

Don’t think that other team members have the same goals as you. Not everyone is motivated by money, they can work harder for recognition.

Know and understand the long-term goals of your team members,

and help them to achieve it. It shows that you care, and they will be incredible loyal to you and the system.

Great communication is very important

for the perfect team. Everyone should know what the other wants to achieve. Everyone needs to be responsible for their mistakes, and their results.
That can be discussed in the team. But once it’s done, it’s over, and we go on.

We all make mistakes. We all have insecurities. A perfect team doesn’t get stuck on them. All members work together to lift the others up. Laugh on the mistakes, and look for solutions.
All team members need to create

an open, welcoming environment.

Your priority, as ‘head’ of the team, is

providing education.

Engage people by giving them the feeling they’re learning. Challenge the team in a productive way?

Achievements as a group, need to be celebrated. Every small success is a reason.

Make the journey enjoyable.

photo credit: Eileen M. Kane via photopin

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