What's your purpose as a network marketer?
You'll need to follow-up
Your main goal is to help as many people as possible with the products or service, and to sponsor all people
How you can have success in MLM
Probably you heard it, "Everyone can become successful in network marketing". To be honest, it's correct. You only have to look what the leaders
Build organisation
on trust, not just by recruiting
build organisation - Most network marketers say it's hard to add 2 to 3 people a week. However that's possible. When I started in
7 questions you must answer for a good prospecting plan
prospecting plan
How do you develop a good plan to prospect?
Prospecting can refer to people who are looking for precious gems. It
Take your business online.
Online network marketing gives you an almost unlimited pool of prospects.
online network marketing
The basis of network marketing is building networks of people who buy and sell products.